St. Bernardine Care Providers

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4 Benefits of Home Health Care vs a Hospital Stay

4 Benefits of Home Health Care vs a Hospital Stay

Hospitals save lives; home health care improves lives by increasing function and enhancing an independent lifestyle. Most people need hospitalization at least once in their lives, but a growing number of individuals are choosing long-term treatment in the privacy of their own homes. Patients report a variety of reasons to opt for home care, including convenience, care, confidence, and cost.

Professional Care Without Excessive Cost

Home Health Care usually costs less than a hospital stay, while still providing many essential services. Like many fine hospitals, St. Bernardine Care Providers Inc. provides the services of registered nurses, licensed vocational nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists, medical social workers, speech and language pathologists, certified home health aides, and registered dieticians but in a convenient and cost-effective home health care setting.

Home health care helps patients avoid the inconvenience of a hospital stay and reduces associated expenditures associated with hospitalization. While insurance or government assistance pays medical costs for a hospital stay, the patient may have to arrange for someone, to care of family members or pets left at home. Home health care also offers peace of mind to those who would otherwise worry about the safety of their homes, family or pets while hospitalized.

Closer Relationships with Patients

Home health care fosters intimate relationships between patients and healthcare providers. Home health care providers take care of patients for weeks, months or years in the patient’s home instead of meeting the patient for a few minutes in an impersonal hospital room. Many patients become close friends with their caretakers. This familiarity improves the ability of nurses and other home care professionals to assess changes in the patient’s condition and make informed suggestions about the patient’s treatment plan to the individual’s primary physician.

Home health care is appropriate for patients with chronic conditions, including heart and circulatory diseases, musculoskeletal disorders such as arthritis, and COPD or other breathing problems. Without home health care services, these patients would have to seek long-term help from a nursing home or other residential setting. Home health care brings patients home after hospitalization and keeps them there longer.

More Familiar Environment for Treatment

Home Health Care increases participation in treatment because patients are able to receive therapy at home rather than traveling to a remote location. Patients are more likely to, fully engage in and complete therapy when in a comfortable environment.

Home health care gives patients in the Orange County greater control over the treatment plan. While, in the strange surroundings of a hospital, patients can sometimes feel pressured into a treatment they do not feel comfortable with because they do not want to offend the doctor or nurses. At home, however, patients are on their own turf and less intimidated about making decisions regarding care.

Stay More Connected with Family

Family members can also feel intimidated about participating in care in the hospital setting. A child or spouse may feel comfortable assisting with bathing, feeding or other daily activities at home, but uncomfortable performing those duties in the hospital. Home health care allows family members to participate in the care of a loved one.

While the hospital is indispensable for patients in critical condition, home health care is right for thousands of people. This personal approach to treatment gives patients the confidence they need to lead independent, full lives.