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3 Benefits of Yoga for Heart Health

3 Benefits of Yoga for Heart Health

Many patients today are looking for alternative treatment options and natural ways to help deal with medical conditions that they might be experiencing. One of these alternative options is practicing yoga, and many people in Irvine and throughout the Orange County region have found that this practice helps them in many different ways. Specifically, yoga has proven to be very beneficial for heart health. People who suffer from heart disease are being advised by medical experts, to look into practicing yoga, but it’s important to check with your healthcare provider before starting any new fitness routine. The professionals at St. Bernardine can help you decide if yoga is a good choice for you when it comes to your heart health.

Benefits of Yoga for the Heart

Help Blood Flow to Muscles

Yoga helps to stretch out many different muscles throughout the entire body. The different positions will force patients to use muscles they may not have used for a long time, which helps to increase blood flow to the muscles. In addition to helping improve the cardiovascular function of the muscles, yoga exercises can also help the muscles work better with insulin which helps with blood sugar levels in the body. Note that a yoga instructor will work with you, to make sure you are not working muscles too hard or doing any damage to your body. The goal is to be calm, relaxed and comfortable while still working the muscles.

Managing Stress

Yoga positions and breathing are known to help people manage their stress better. Through rhythmic breathing and chants, many people who practice yoga find that their minds are clear, and stress is relieved during the exercises. These techniques can then be applied in many different situations throughout the day. Stress and anxiety are linked to cardiovascular issues, so any type of exercise that helps reduce stress and anxiety is good for your heart. The peace and calm that comes through yoga practice is extremely liberating, and people find that they look forward to their yoga sessions because of it.

Lower Cholesterol and Blood Pressure

This practice has been proven to lower cholesterol and blood pressure. Researchers at Harvard University have studied the benefits of yoga, and have found that the practice helps to lower cholesterol and blood pressure. It is also known to reduce heart palpitations, which is good for people who have a difficult time managing their stress. This is a well-known medical benefit of yoga and is one reason why many home health care providers are starting to add yoga into their patient plans.

Before starting any new exercise routine, including yoga practice, it is important that you consult with your St. Bernardine home health care providers. Our staff members can help you decide if this is a good choice for you, and can also help you establish limits before starting your yoga practice. Yoga can be very beneficial in many ways, including helping you maintain a healthy cardiovascular system. However, it’s important to confirm that you are, in fact, strong enough and healthy enough to use yoga as a supplemental alternative treatment method.