St. Bernardine Care Providers

Home Health Care Provider in Orange County


4 Tips to Feel More Energized

4 Tips to Feel More Energized

It seems that people are tired for their entire lives. When you are a young college student, you stay up late studying for class all night. When you are a new parent, you are up all night with a new baby. When you are in your middle ages, insomnia, stress and long days can make you feel more exhausted than ever before. For years, Orange County residents have relied on caffeine as a way to boost their energy and wake up each morning. At St. Bernardine Care Providers, we want our patients to know there are more natural ways to become energized each day.

Become Energized

Include some protein in your breakfast

While your bowl of chocolate puffed rice cereal probably tastes delicious, it’s not going to give you the nutrients you need to stay energized throughout the day. Think outside the box when you are planning out your breakfast each morning, and be sure to include some protein. Eggs are filled with plenty of protein and are a great breakfast choice. You might also consider including nuts in your bowl of cereal, or adding peanut butter to your toast.

Exercise on a regular basis

This probably sounds crazy, considering you are usually tired immediately after finishing your exercise routine. But the fact of the matter is, exercise will improve your energy all day long. Exercise gets your “happy” hormones moving in your body, which help improve your mood and increase your energy. In addition, it helps oxygen to circulate better throughout the body. By improving the circulation of oxygen, you will feel better and more energized for a longer period of time. Remember, to only, participate in exercise routines that have been approved by your doctor. You want to stay safe and healthy while gaining more energy.

Add green, leafy vegetables to your dinner plate

These vegetables have an important nutrient called chlorophyll. Chlorophyll works with your body to increase the circulation amongst organs, which ultimately increases the amount of energy you have each day. Kale and leafy, dark green lettuce are great ways to add more chlorophyll to your diet. If these are not your favorite kinds of food, consider choosing a vegetable juice with these ingredients instead.

Try to avoid caffeine

Caffeine provides you with a false sense of energy, and is almost always followed by a crash that leads you to ingest more caffeine. Limit yourself to one or two cups of coffee today, and then search for an alternative drink. Green tea can help you stay naturally energized while also providing you a tiny boost of caffeine if you need it.

When you increase the amount of energy you have, you will feel better and accomplish more each day. Your caregiver can help you create meal plans as well as assist you in any exercises that have been approved by your doctor. We understand the benefits of having additional energy, and we want all of our patients to feel as good as possible. To find out more information about St. Bernardine Care Providers in Irvine, contact us today to set up a consultation.