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6 Largest Threats to Men’s Health

6 Largest Threats to Men's Health

As men age, they become at risk for certain ailments and illnesses common for men’s health. The professionals at St. Bernardine Care Providers believe that Orange County men should be aware of their risk factors and understand the threats to their health. Irvine patients will find that when they are more informed about their health, they can make better decisions and ultimately lead healthier lives.  

The Largest Threats to Men’s Health

Heart Disease

Heart disease and hardening of the arteries is the leading cause of death in both men and women. While this is a leading cause of death for members of both sexes, it often occurs in men earlier, in life, than it does in women. Male patients should prioritize cholesterol checks, make every effort to control their blood pressure and eat a well balanced diet while exercising regularly. All of these efforts will help prevent or delay the onset of heart disease.

Lung Cancer

Of all the various types of cancer, lung cancer is the leading cause of death in male patients. The fact of the matter is, 90 percent of lung cancer cases are the result of tobacco use. Men who are smoking should quit smoking immediately in order to prevent the onset of lung cancer. Prostate


Prostate cancer is a common diagnosis among men, but it is not a leading killer of male patients. The key to successfully combating prostate cancer is early detection and screening. Men should have a prostate exam performed on a regular basis in order to take advantage of early detection and early treatment options that can mean the difference between life and death.


It was previously thought that depression was more common in women, but researchers have found that men simply do not exhibit the same signs and symptoms of depression. If you feel as your depression is controlling your life, it’s important to seek help. Professionals are available to help you cope with your depression and can help you get on the path to a better, happier life.


Diabetes is especially unnerving because its symptoms can remain silent for so long. Men should have their blood sugar levels checked at their physicals. Overweight men should prioritize diet and exercise as improper nutrition and obesity can lead to Type 2 diabetes.

Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is not a life-threatening ailment, but it can have a significant impact on a man’s life. Men who experience this often feel they have a diminished quality of life. Note that medical professionals can help you manage these symptoms and improve your sexual function.

A caregiver from St. Bernardine Care Providers can provide men with the information they need about these health concerns, as well as help them evaluate their own personal risk factors. In addition, men who require treatment from these particular health concerns can receive the best care possible from an in-home caregiver who can assist them with all of their health care needs. To find out more information about having a caregiver come to your home, contact us today.