St. Bernardine Care Providers

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3 Steps to Ensure Seniors Don’t Experience Malnutrition

3 Steps to Ensure Seniors Don't Experience Malnutrition

Both our appetites and our perspectives on food shift as we get older. As a result of these shifts, as well as other changes, persons who are getting on in years are at an increased risk of being malnourished. People have the misconception that malnutrition is a result of a significant loss of weight, which is not always the case. As a result, this health concern is frequently ignored, even though it should not be. We want to assist educate families on the risks, indicators, and solutions to combat malnourishment when they are caring for their loved ones. Malnutrition can affect people of any size, therefore we want to increase awareness of the issue in the larger community.

Keeping Seniors from Experiencing Malnutrition

St. Bernardine offers its clients a wide variety of supportive services, one of which is the preparation of meals and the encouragement to consume a diet that is both nutritious and well-balanced. We are able to verify that our customers are getting the appropriate nutrition and keep an eye out for any shifts in their health and well-being. Our most recent initiative is geared toward educating families who look for their elderly loved ones themselves about the dangers of malnutrition in older people and giving them the resources they need to prevent it. We have created a program to educate families and relatives on the subject of malnourishment and what to do if you feel that someone in your family may be at risk for it.

How to Make Sure the Diet that is Balanced

Being present in person during a person’s mealtimes is the most effective way to ensure that they are eating a healthy, balanced diet. However, we are aware that when families are providing care for their parents or other relatives, there isn’t always enough time in their busy schedules to sit down and enjoy every mealtime together. We hope that the information we provide on maintaining proper nutrition will be of some assistance to you in finding strategies to keep your loved one healthy while they are at home. Have a look at some of our nourishing dishes that have been developed to help older people maintain a diet that is both healthy and nourishing.

Elderly Care Provided at the Patient’s Home

St. Bernardine Home Care is available to assist you in the event that you are concerned about a member of your family and are looking for assistance in managing the preparation of meals and ensuring that your loved one is following a diet that is both nutritious and balanced.

If someone is unable to leave the house, we can come to their house during mealtimes not only to assist in the preparation of meals but also to ensure that a loved one is eating a diet that is healthy and well-balanced. Our caregivers are available to spend quality time with your loved one and help make mealtimes a pleasurable and uplifting event for everyone involved.

Please get in touch with us so that we may conduct an assessment of your requirements and devise a specialized strategy to assist you or a member of your family.