St. Bernardine Care Providers

Home Health Care Provider in Orange County


3 Daily Activities to Boost Your Mental Health

You’ve followed an exercise regimen for years to keep your body strong, lean, and healthy. The more you keep your muscles and joints moving, the more flexibility you’ll have for your lifetime. The same principle also applies to exercising your brain to boost your cognition, memory, and problem-solving skills. Daily Workouts for Your Mind Remember […]

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6 Largest Threats to Men’s Health

As men age, they become at risk for certain ailments and illnesses common for men’s health. The professionals at St. Bernardine Care Providers believe that Orange County men should be aware of their risk factors and understand the threats to their health. Irvine patients will find that when they are more informed about their health, […]

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4 Tips to Feel More Energized

It seems that people are tired for their entire lives. When you are a young college student, you stay up late studying for class all night. When you are a new parent, you are up all night with a new baby. When you are in your middle ages, insomnia, stress and long days can make […]

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