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Staying Healthy and Safe this Summer with 3 Important Tips

Staying Healthy and Safe this Summer with 3 Important Tips

Are you ready for the long days of summer? While you’re enjoying the pleasures of these sunny days, don’t forget your health. Here are three ways to stay healthy and safe this summer.

1. Enjoy Sunshine Safely

If it weren’t for the sun’s warming rays, life on Earth couldn’t exist. So not only does sunshine boost your moods, but it helps your body manufacture Vitamin D. Just thinking about walking around a park or along the beach on a sunny day makes you smile.

However, there can always be too much of a good thing. Those same sun rays are radioactive, and overexposure can be hazardous to your skin. Not only can it cause sunburns and premature wrinkles, but it can also lead to skin cancer.

Any time you’re outside, use a sunscreen of at least SPF 50. In addition, you should wear light-colored clothing and wear hats to protect your head and neck. Try to stay inside during peak times of the sun, usually in the afternoon.

2. Stay Hydrated

Did you know that approximately 60 percent of your body is water? You need water for healthy cells, joint lubrication, blood production, and to flush away toxins. Most health experts recommend having between six to eight glasses of water daily.

In the summer heat, your body perspires more, and you’re more likely to become dehydrated. If you notice that you’re thirsty, you probably are dehydrated already. If you don’t get enough liquid in your system, dehydration can become a medical emergency.

Keep your body hydrated before you feel dry and thirsty. Carry a water bottle with you while you’re outside. Stock your refrigerator with a pitcher of refreshing ice water with a bit of lemon and enjoy it throughout the day.

3. Beat the Heat

California is famous for its sunny beaches and warm weather most of the year. However, the summer months can be even warmer and the heat overwhelming. Some medications can also make you sensitive to sunlight and heat.

It’s easy to be overcome with heat exhaustion before you realize it. But, it’s hazardous for seniors or those with certain health conditions. It can lead to a life-threatening heat stroke.

During these scorching days, limit your outdoor times to the cool of the morning and evening, and make sure you stay in the shade. Have fans throughout your house to keep the air circulating comfortably. Have your HVAC unit regularly serviced so your air conditioner will function properly.

Our SBCP patients have the blessings of the beautiful California sunshine. We continually provide them with information about health and safety. During the heat of the summer, it’s imperative to emphasize safety in the sun and proper hydration.