St. Bernardine Care Providers

Home Health Care Provider in Orange County

Tags: tips

3 Ways for Seniors to Help Prevent Hearing Loss

When discussing their health plans, seniors and their caregivers frequently inquire about the prevalence of hearing loss. Every third elderly citizen over 65 has some degree of hearing loss, according to the Hearing Loss Association of America. Although hearing loss is a common symptom of aging, seniors can take steps to protect their hearing. What […]

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4 Tips to Feel More Energized

It seems that people are tired for their entire lives. When you are a young college student, you stay up late studying for class all night. When you are a new parent, you are up all night with a new baby. When you are in your middle ages, insomnia, stress and long days can make […]

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4 Tips to Prevent Falls at Home

It is dangerous for anyone who slips and falls down the stairs or onto a hard surface, but for senior citizens the impact is far more detrimental. Loved ones are often extremely concerned about preventing their family members from falling while they are alone or with them in their homes, and recent studies have found […]

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