St. Bernardine Care Providers

Home Health Care Provider in Orange County


The Healing Love of a Pet

The Healing Love of a Pet

Often, seniors with health issues feel lonely, especially when they’re homebound. Having a devoted pet can offer unconditional love, socialization, and entertainment. Caring for these pets can also help focus their energy and give them purpose. Here are three of the most popular companion animals to consider.


There’s a good reason why dogs are known as man’s best friends. They were some of the first wild animals that formed a lasting bond with the earliest humans. Anyone who’s ever had a beloved canine companion knows their love and affection are unconditional.

Dogs provide excellent companionship and love for seniors, especially those who live alone. They also watch over the house and alert their humans if anything is amiss.


  • Actively shows love and affection
  • Provides companionship and security
  • Most breeds are easily housebroken.


  • Need to be taken out to walk
  • Some breeds are noisy barkers.
  • Some need more grooming and extra car.


What could be cozier than a cat curling up by your side in front of the fireplace? Unlike their canine rivals, felines give love and attention when they feel like it. However, kitties can be quite affectionate and endearing to their human friends.

Their independent streak makes them ideal for homebound folks who can’t get out often. Cats don’t require as much attention as dogs, but they can be demanding when they want it. They reward their humans with playful snuggling and content purring.


  • Don’t require a lot of attention
  • Depending on the breed, don’t require as much grooming as dogs
  • Uses a litter box and doesn’t need to be taken outside
  • Doesn’t bark


  • Their litter box needs constant cleaning
  • Can be aloof at times
  • Are notorious for climbing on tables, countertops, and beds
  • Some breeds are heavy shedders
  • Can get bored and damage furniture and drapery with their claws


The glorious colors and songs of birds have been part of the world’s art, literature, and music since the beginning. Pet birds can brighten people’s day with songs and sometimes playful antics. Many breeds such as parrots, parakeets, and cockatoos can quickly learn to imitate human words and other sounds.

Their cage size depends on the breed you choose. Some pet birds enjoy being free to fly around in the house. They can provide endless entertainment, especially to people who have limited socialization.


  • Depending on the breed, they don’t require a lot of space
  • Usually aren’t noisy
  • Some can imitate human words


  • Most need constant cleaning for their cages
  • They have specific health and safety needs
  • Can fly out a door or window

Final Thoughts

St. Bernadine Care Providers provides professional and compassionate care for you or your loved one. We understand the specific needs of homebound patients who need skilled nursing and other services. The good news is that you get our quality care in the privacy and comfort of your home.