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Urinary Incontinence is an Age Related Condition

Urinary Incontinence is an Age Related Condition

To put it simply, urinary incontinence is a part of life. This condition, which may cause a person to dribble or leak urine and results in a lack of bladder control, is a result of age. At St. Bernardine Care Providers, we aim to provide our Orange County patients with the information they need about bladder incontinence so they can continue to live healthy, happy and fulfilling lives. Each caregiver strives to personalize this important information. They also attempt to help each person come up with a plan that addresses their physical health concerns and emotional state of being.

What Causes Urinary Incontinence?

Incontinence can be caused by a variety of different factors, but most of the time it is simply the result of getting older. Just like every other part of your body, your bladder ages as you do. The muscles in the bladder become weak and have a more difficult time holding urine for long periods of time. Incontinence is especially prevalent in female patients, who have often gone through years of childbirth as well as menopause, which can cause damage to the bladder and result in incontinence. It’s important that people who are suffering from urinary incontinence understand that they have nothing to be ashamed about and that there are treatment options available.

How Can I Approach an Incontinence Situation?

There are several moments that you might worry about if you are suffering from bladder incontinence. First and foremost, having an accident in public is usually at the top of a person’s list of fears. Do not worry about this circumstance. It might happen, but always be prepared with an extra change of clothes. If you have to change your adult diaper in public, choose a handicapped stall where you will have plenty of room to make the change as quickly and easily as possible. If you are having trouble with bed wetting, invest in a waterproof sheet cover in order to make clean up easy and convenient.

What Treatment Options are Available for Incontinence?

Physical therapy, such as Kegel exercises, can help strengthen your pelvic floor and improve your urinary incontinence. However, many doctors prescribe medications to help people who are suffering from incontinence and overactive bladder issues. Your physician will work with you to determine the best way to face your urinary incontinence and make each day easier to live through.

Bladder incontinence is nothing to be ashamed of. Admittedly, it can be embarrassing or awkward for anyone to experience incontinence, but it’s important to know that it’s a very common side effect of getting older. Almost any of your friends who are in the same stage of life as you have probably experienced incontinence in one form or another. To find out more information about urinary incontinence and services that we can provide you with at St. Bernardine Care Providers, contact us today to set up a consultation appointment.